Int J Performability Eng ›› 2022, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (5): 317-328.doi: 10.23940/ijpe.22.05.p2.317328

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Privacy Protection of Personal Education Information on Blockchain

Hongjing Denga, Xuan Zhangb,*, Jiahao Jianga, Jie Wanga, and Hexiang Huanga   

  1. aSchool of Software, Yunnan University, Kunming, 650501, China;
    bKey Laboratory of Software Engineering of Yunnan Province, Kunming, 650091, China
  • Submitted on ; Revised on ; Accepted on
  • Contact: * E-mail address:
  • About author:Xuan Zhang received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer science from Yunnan University, Yunnan. She received the Ph.D. degree in system analysis and integration from Yunnan University, Yunnan. She is a professor with the School of Software, Yunnan University, Yunnan, China. Her research interests include knowledge engineering, software process, trustworthy software, and requirement engineering.
    HongJing Deng received the B.S degree in SE from Hubei University of Arts and Science in 2019 and he is studying in Yunnan University to receive his M.S degree. His research include blockchain and privacy protection.
    JiaHao Jiang received the B.S degree in SE from Harbin University of Commerce in 2019 and he is studying in Yunnan University to receive his M.S degree. His research include blockchain and access control.
    Jie Wang received the B.S degree in SE from Yunnan Minzu University in 2020 and he is studying in Yunnan University to receive his M.S degree. His research include blockchain and federated learning.
    HeXiang Huang received the B.S degree in SE from Hubei University of Automotive Technology in 2020 and he is studying in Yunnan University to receive his M.S degree. His research include blockchain and empirical research.

Abstract: Personal education information can be obtained online, which is convenient for inquiries, but at the same time brings the threat of privacy leakage. At present, everyone’s education information is managed by a centralized organization. Centralized management has some security and privacy risks. Once the central management agency has a security problem, it may lead to the disclosure of everyone’s personal information. Therefore, a privacy protection scheme for personal education information based on attribute-based encryption and homomorphic encryption on blockchain is proposed. Blockchain is a decentralized system and its anti-tampering features are very suitable for protecting data security. In addition, an attribute-based encryption method that performs fine-grained access control to the data content is proposed, which can decrypt the corresponding content according to the attributes held by the user. The use of homomorphic encryption can provide the required query results without knowing the plaintext. Access control, as well as key management, is implemented on Ethereum with smart contracts. Finally, security analysis and an example of privacy protection of personal education information are presented, and time performance is analyzed.

Key words: privacy, blockchain, attribute-based encryption, IPFS, smart contract