Fatigue Life Prediction for Throwing Impeller of an Impeller Blower
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Accepted: 2018-12-17 Online: 2019-01-1
Impeller blowers are used to convey materials for various forage harvesters. As the main working component, the throwing impeller endures various static and dynamic loads while conveying the materials. This makes the throwing impeller prone to fatigue fracture, so it is very necessary to find a feasible model to estimate the fatigue life of the throwing impeller accurately. In order to obtain the accurate random cyclic load applied on the high-speed rotating impeller, the finite element analysis and the fluid-solid coupling method are adopted to calculate the stress distribution of the impeller under the combined action of the fluid-solid coupling flow field pressure, the centrifugal force, and the gravity. At the same time, the stress on the dangerous section of the impeller is measured by using the DH5909 wireless strain testing system and is compared with the calculated one. The contrast results show that the numerical calculation results are reliable. To accurately predict the fatigue life of the throwing impeller at the design stage, the two-parameter nominal stress model is deduced and combined with the linear cumulative damage model of Miner and the log normal distribution model. Its two parameters of the average stress Sm and the stress amplitude Sa can be obtained through finite element analysis and do not have to be equivalent to a symmetrical cyclic load. Therefore, its precision of estimating the fatigue life is improved. By contrasting the rated and predicted fatigue lives of an impeller, it was found that the impeller’s actual rated lives are closer to the predicted lives of the Goodman and Gerber two-parameter nominal stress model than those of the conventional S-N curve. In particular, they are closer to the calculation results of the Gerber-type two-parameter nominal stress model. This shows that the Gerber-type two-parameter nominal stress model is more accurate and suitable to predict the fatigue life of the throwing impeller. These achievements will play a significant role in further optimizing the impeller and improving its reliability.
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Zhiping Zhai, Can Li, Hongmei Cui, Hongyu Liang, and Haiying Cheng.
List of Symbols
MMaterial constant
CMaterial constant
N Fatigue life
Smax Maximum alternating stress
Sm Average stress
Sa Stress amplitude
R Stress ratio
S-1 Fatigue limit of material under the actionof symmetric cyclic load
Sb Ultimate strength of material
KS Effective stress concentration factor
εS Size factor
β Surface quality coefficient
φS Sensitivity coefficient of material to the asymmetry of cycle stress
n Actual cyclic number
D Damage fraction
k Stress levels number
ni Actual cyclic number there are k different stress levels in one cycle
Sai Average stress at aconstant amplitude stress level
Smi Stress amplitude at aconstant amplitude stress level
Ni Average number of cycles to failureat a constantamplitude stress level (Sai, Smi)
x Random variable of fatigue life
μ Logarithmic mean deviation
σ Logarithmic standard deviation
E(X) Mean deviation
$\sqrt{D(X)}$ Standard deviation
$\Phi \left( \frac{\ln x-\mu }{\sigma } \right)$ Standard normal distribution function
1. Introduction
An impeller blower generally consists of the throwing impeller, shell, and discharge tube. This device is widely used to convey materials in various forage harvesters because of its simplicity, reliability, easy maintenance, high capacity, and low manufacturing cost [1]. As the core working component, the throwing impeller often endures the combined action of the centrifugal force, the gravity, and the varying pressure of high-speed air flow and materials inside the impeller blower. This will accelerate the throwing impeller’s fatigue, leading to fracture [2]. In recent years, most research on impeller blowers mainly focused on reducing the power consumption as well as increasing the throwing distanceand efficiency [3-6]. However, relatively few data exist on the topic of investigating the fatigue life of the throwing impeller. Thus, it is very necessary to find a feasible model to accurately estimate the fatigue life of throwing impellers.
Research works on the fatigue life for the similar rotating machine are presented as follows.Dileep [7] estimated the low-cycle fatigue life of a centrifugal impeller under the engine operating conditions by using four different multi-axial fatigue damage models. The predicted lives were then compared with the experimental value obtained from the cyclic spin test. The critical plane-based models showed better prediction accuracy and capability in comparison to the maximum von Mises strain range model. Shanmugam[8] estimated the fatigue life of a titanium alloy centrifugal impeller by using the equivalent strain method and Smith Watson Topper (SWT) method and assessed the fatigue life via the cyclic spin test. The probabilistic analysis of fatigue life was carried out by using the Weibull distribution method. It was found that the equivalent strain method is nonconservative due to the exclusion of the mean stress effect. The average fatigue life of the impeller was estimated at 12000 cycles by using the SWT method, which was closer to the test results. Xu[9] analyzed the fatigue life of a remanufactured centrifugal compressor impellers by using the S-N curve data and the rain-flow counting method based on FEA. It was found that the simulation results were useful for analyzing fatigue life impact factors and fatigue fracture areas, although it was incapable of providing high-precision prediction. Liao and Huang[10] investigated the fatigue life of a turbine disk by constructing Goodman and Gerber types of a generalized σ-N curved surface equation based on stress amplitude and mean stress. An aircraft engine turbine disk was presented to validate the proposed method. The results showed that the prediction of the Goodman equivalent life curve was much more accurate than that of the Gerber type model. This method also showed better accuracy for estimating the fatigue life than the conventional S-N curve. Pavlou [11] presented a new theory for macroscopic fatigue damage estimation based on the S-N curve, which was a generalization of most of the existing fatigue damage models. Saggar [12] presented a fatigue damage cumulative model under the variable load devoted for defective materials. This model was connected cycle by cycle with the S-N curve, and it also took into account the loading history. The predicted results of this model were compared with the experimental results for a C35 low alloy steel containing defects and those computed by Miner’s model. It was demonstrated that the proposed model predicted the fatigue damage much better than the Miner rule.
From the research above, in order to ensure safe and reliable operation of the throwing impeller, the two-parameter (namely the average stress Sm and the stress amplitude Sa) nominal stress model, the cumulative damage model of Miner, and the logarithm normal distribution model are combined to estimate the fatigue life of the impeller in this paper. In addition, the fluid-solid coupling method in the finite element analysis is used to accurately obtain the random cyclic dynamic stress distribution of the throwing impeller under the combined effect of the flow field pressure, centrifugal force, and gravity. The stress on the dangerous cross section of the impeller at the empty load is also tested by using the DH5909 wireless strain test system. Then, the measured stresses are compared with the simulated ones via the finite element numerical calculation. After verifying the correctness of the numerical model, the fatigue life of a throwing impeller under the working load will be predicted by calculating the variation of stress along with time at the maximum stress point of the impeller’s critical section.
The rest of this article is organized as follows. Section 2 proposes the fatigue reliability theory model for structures under the random cyclic load. Section 3 provides a numerical calculation method on the stress distribution of a high-speed rotating impeller. The fatigue life prediction of an impeller blower is presented in Section 4. Finally, Section 5presents three conclusions.
2.Theory of Fatigue Reliability
2.1.Two-Parameter Nominal Stress Model
Considering that the throwing impeller belongs to the high cycle fatigue, the relationship between its maximum alternating stress Smax and the fatigue life of N is given by
Where m and C are the material constants.
The relationship including the maximum alternating stress Smax, the average stress Sm, and the stress amplitude Sa can be expressed as follows:
Where r is the stress ratio.
Substituting Equation (2)into Equation (1),Equation (4)will be obtained as follows:
Substituting Equation (4)into Equation (3),Sa can be expressed as follows:
Because the impeller is running at the random cyclic load, the S-N curve that is more suitable for the condition of the symmetrical cyclicload needs to be revised. Thus, the Goodman formula is selected as the constant life curve, as follows:
WhereSb is the ultimate strength of the material and S-1 is the fatigue limit of the material under the actionof the symmetric cyclic load.
Substituting Equations (4) and (5) into Equation (6), Equation (7) can be obtained as follows:
Substituting Equation(7) into Equation(6), the average stress Sm will be obtained as follows:
Then, the two-parameter nominal stress equation of Goodman type is expressed as follows:
If we choose the Gerber formula as the constant lifecurve [14],
The two-parameter nominal stress equation of Gerber type can be similarly obtained as follows:
2.2.Two-Parameter Nominal Stress Model of a Throwing Impeller
If we apply the Sa-Sm-N two-parameter nominal stress models of material into estimating the fatigue life of the actual throwing impellers, the factors including the stress concentration, size, surface quality, and sensitivity of impeller material to the asymmetrical cycle stress that affect the fatigue strength of the impeller must be considered[15]. The revised Goodman-type two-parameter nominal stress equation is listed as follows:
The revised Gerber-type two-parameter nominal stress equation is listed as follows:
Where ${{K}_{S}}$ is the effective stress concentration factor of the impeller, ${{\varepsilon }_{S}}$ is the size factor, $\beta$ is the surface quality coefficient, and ${{\varphi }_{S}}$ is the sensitivity coefficient of the impeller material to the asymmetry of the cycle stress.
2.3. Miner Cumulative Fatigue Damage Model
The throwing impeller always works under the condition of the alternating loads with different frequencies and different amplitudes. Its fatigue damage will accumulate to a certain extent, leading to the impeller’s fracture. Thus, the average stress and stress amplitude should be considered forthe fatigue strength analysis. According to the two-parameter nominal stress Formula (12) and Formula (13), the fatigue damage of the impeller under the cyclic load at certain stress level (Sa, Sm) can be directly calculated.
Miner’s cumulative damage theory assumes that the damage is accumulated linearly. Each cycle will cause some damage to the material when the material is subjected to the higher stress than the fatigue limit. For some components under the actions of constant amplitude stress level (Sa, Sm), the fatigue damage caused by each cycle is 1/N(Sa, Sm). The fatigue damage caused by ncycles is calculated as follows:
Where n is the actual cyclic number andN is the numberof cycles to failureat a particular stress level (Sa, Sm). Failure is expected to occur when n is equal to N or D is equal to one.
As far as the throwing impeller at different amplitude stress levels is concerned, its damage fraction D is expressed as follows under the condition that there are k different stress levels applied on the impeller in one cycle and the average number of cycles to failure after nicycles at aconstant amplitude stress level of Sai and Smi is Ni. The fatigue damage caused by nicycles is calculated as follows:
When these damage add up to one, the impeller will experience fatigue failure.
In this way, there isonly one-to-one transformation between each fatigue damage andeach load cycle represented by the two-parameter amplitude and mean value. Because the equivalent transformation of stresses does not need to be carried out, the estimating accuracy of the fatigue life is improved.
2.4.Fatigue Life Lognormal Distribution Model
Due to the randomness of the basic variables such as load, material parameters, and geometrical parameters of the impeller in the working process, the fatigue life shows discreteness. The throwing impeller’s material is Q235, and its fatigue life distribution obeys the log normal distribution according to the existing research [16].
Under the action of the cyclic load, the distribution law of the impeller’s fatigue life can be expressed by the log normal probability density function [17]as follows:
Where x is a random variable of the fatigue life andμ and σ are the logarithmic mean and standard deviation respectively.
The distribution function of the log normal distribution is given by the following formula:
Mean E(X) and the standard deviation $\sqrt{D(X)}$ are calculated by using the following two formulas:
The reliability function of the log normal distribution is expressed as follows:
Where $\Phi \left( \frac{\ln x-\mu }{\sigma } \right)$ is the standard normal distribution function.
3. Fluid-Structure Coupling and Stress Analysis of the Impeller
The flow field pressure distribution inside the impeller blower is very complex and difficult to be measured directly. In order to accurately get the flow field and load distribution onimpellers, the numerical calculation of the gas-solid two-phase flow in the impeller blower is carried out by using the FLUENT. The ANSYS Workbench is also used to carry out the fluid-solid-solid (air-material-impeller) coupling process. The pressure generated by the gas-solid flow field as well as the centrifugal force and gravity areloaded on the impeller. The stress distribution of the impeller is obtained. Then, the stress of the impeller under the unloaded condition is measured to verify thenumerical calculation results by using the DH5909 wireless strain test system. After that, the stress distribution of the throwing impeller under the loading condition is calculated by using the ANSYS Workbench.
3.1. Finite Element Model and Meshing of the Impeller
The three-dimensional modelling software Pro/E is used to build a three-dimensional solid model of the impeller. The three-dimensional solid model of the impeller is then imported into HyperMesh for meshing. The numbers of cells and nodes of the entire impeller model inthe finite element mesh are 26, 800 and 40, 532 respectively [18].
3.2. Fluid-Structure Coupling Analysis
The flow channel model of the impeller blower is established in Fluent at first. The large eddy simulation(LED) model is used to simulate the unsteady flow field in the impeller blower. The variation law of the instantaneous fluctuation pressure in the single-phase airflow field and the flow field pressure distribution on the impeller surface will be obtained.
Then, the Fluent and Workbench coupling analysis platform is used to exert the simulated flow field pressureas well as the centrifugal force and gravity to the coupling surface of the impeller. Constraints are also imposed on the impeller to restrict its reciprocating motions in theX, Y, and Z directions and rotational motions around the X and Z axes. There is only onedegree of freedom of theY-axis rotation left. The impeller’s speed is 1500r/min.
3.3. Stress Analysis of the Throwing Impeller
Under the combined action of the above loads, the equivalent stress of the impeller underthe unloaded state is calculated by using the finite element method as shown in Figure 1. By using the post-processing tools in the Workbench software, the maximum stress is detected, which is 25.435MPa at the junction of the blade root and the stiffener. This is due to the stress concentration caused by the sharp change of the geometric shape and the thickness at thejoint.
Figure 1.
Figure 1.
The equivalent stress cloud of the throwing impeller under the unloaded condition
Figure 2.
Figure 2.
The measuring point distribution diagram of the impeller’s strain
Figure 3.
Figure 3.
Comparisons between the measured and simulated stress of the impeller under the unloaded condition
It can be seen from Figure 3 that the dynamic loads at the monitoring point are changing according to the random cyclic and quasi-periodic variables, and the period of the stress variation is the same as the impeller rotation period. The maximum stress is 8.763MPa, the minimum is 4.721MPa, and the average stress is 6.880MPa.
3.3.1. Strain Test of the Throwing Impeller
In order to verify the correctness of the Finite Element calculation results, the DH5905 wireless strain tester developed by Tung Wah Testing Technologies Co., Ltd. is used to test the strain of the impeller. Considering that the test system would interfere with the throwing performance of materials under the loaded condition, the impeller’s stress is measured only for the unloaded condition. The test flow chart is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4.
Figure 4.
Strain test block diagram by using Dh5905 wireless strain gauge
An AC full-bridge circuit of Wheatstone bridge is formed to measure the impeller’s strain. The strain gauges are arranged on the impeller rotating at a high speed of 1500r/min(Figure 5). Because theimpeller’s strain signalsare not convenient for the wire transmission in the closed shell, the DH5905 wireless strain gauge test system is adopted. The entire test system, including four strain gauges, one power module, one signal conditioning and wireless transmitting module, one wireless receiving module, and DH5905 signal processing software, is shown in Figure 4. The strain of the impeller under the unloaded condition is measured by the strain gauge. Then, this weak strain signal is amplified and transmitted to the wireless receiving module by the Wheatstone Bridge and signal conditioning and wireless transmitting module. After passing through the WiFi wireless receiving module, the amplified real-time strain signal is stored on the computer and displayed dynamically on the interface of the DH5905 signal processing software.
Figure 5.
Figure 5.
The connection diagram of strain gauges and wireless transmitting module
Because the maximum stress point is not suitable for pasting the strain gauge, an extension area of the two bolt hole axis of the stiffener near the maximum stress is chosen as the test point shown in Figure 5. For the accurate comparison, the simulated stress monitoring point is set as the same as this position shown in Figure 2. The maximum principal strain direction of the strain gauge is the same as that of the centrifugal force of the impeller. When pasting the strain gauge, the direction of principal strain extends along the center of the two bolt holes. The strain gauges are affixed to the same position on opposite sides of the stiffener. Then, the full-bridge circuit of Wheatstone bridge is constructed with these four strain gauges illustrated in the left side of Figure 4. Because of its own large weight, the wireless transmitting module will be fixed on the hub of the impeller, which will not only reduce the centrifugal force but also reduce the impact on the strain value of the test position. The real connection diagram of strain gauges on the impeller surface and wireless transmitter module are shown in Figure 5. The wireless signal receiving module will be connected to the computer.
After all test instruments are connected, the power is turned on. The throwing impeller’s speed is adjusted to 1500r/min. The stress data acquisition frequency range is set to 200Hz. The measurement option selects the stress measurement. The measuring range is set to the minimum range. The data must be reset to zero to calibrate the testing strain data before collecting the new strain data.
3.3.2. Comparison Between Measured Data and Simulated Data
The comparison chart of the simulated value and the measured value is shown in Figure 3 when the impeller is rotating at 1500r/min without load. It can be seen that both the simulated stress and measured stress are quasi-periodicallyfluctuant with the same period and both waveforms are basically consistent. However, there are errors existing betweenthe simulated value and measured value due tothe simplification of the numerical calculation, the manufacturing error of the impeller, and the experimental conditions. The simulated maximum stress is slightly larger than the measured maximum stress with a relative error of 1.34%. The minimum simulated stress is greater than the minimum value of the measured stress with an error of 12.51%. This is because the stiffness variation of the impeller installed the wireless transmitting module. The average stress error is 0.77%. Therefore, the simulation results are basically credible.
3.3.3. Stress Calculation and Analysis of the Working Throwing Impeller under the Loading Condition
Based on the numerical calculation results under the unloaded condition, the numerical calculation of the gas-solid two-phase unsteady flow in the impeller blower under the loading condition is carried out by using the large-eddy simulation and the dense-discrete phase model. The pressure distribution of material and air flow to the impeller is obtained[18]. Similarly, the Fluent and Workbench coupling platform in the Workbenchis used to exert the airflow-material two-phase flow field pressure on the coupling surface of the impeller in the numerical calculation. The rest of the numerical calculations are the same as the unloaded condition mentioned above.
In the same way, the equivalent stress of the impeller under the loading condition is calculated by using the finite element method as shown in Figure 6. It can be seen that the maximum equivalent stress of the impeller under the loading condition also appears at the junction of the blade root and reinforced plate, which is 27.142MPa. Due to the influence of the throwing material, the maximum equivalent stress of the loading impeller is slightly larger than that of the unloaded impeller. The maximum stress of the impeller under the loading condition changes with time, as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 6.
Figure 6.
The equivalent stress cloud of the impeller under the loading condition
4. Fatigue Prediction for the Throwing Impeller
The material of the throwing impeller is Q235. It can be seen from the fatigue test data of Q235[16] that its fatigue life obeys the log normal distribution and the strength limit Sb equals 400MPa. According to Equation(1)as well as Equations(16) to (20), the S-N curve parameters can be obtained by fitting the data of the Q235 fatigue test with the least square method[19]. When the reliability is 50%, m = 8.0677 and C = 1024.54. When the reliability is 90%, m = 8.0677 and C = 1024.29. When the reliability is 99%, m = 8.0677 and C = 1024.23.
Considering some factors that affect the fatigue strength of the impeller, takes KS = 1.2, εS = 0.91, β = 0.85, andφS = 0.1[15]. Then, the Goodman-type two-parameter nominal stress fatigue life of the impeller can be solved as follows according to Equation(12).
When the reliability is 50%,
When the reliability is 90%,
When the reliability is 99%,
According to Equation (13), the Gerber-type two-parameter nominal stress fatigue life of the impeller can be solved as follows.
When the reliability is 50%,
When the reliability is 90%,
When the reliability is 99%,
According to Figure 7, the stress amplitude Sa, the mean stress Sm, and the stress ratio r at the impeller’s dangerous section can be obtained. When the throwing impeller’s reliability P is 50%, 90%, and 99%, its fatigue life at 1500r/min can be calculated respectively in Table 1 according to Formulas (12), (13),and (15). In order to evaluate the estimation accuracy of the two-parameter nominal stress model, its fatigue life prediction results are compared with those of the conventional S-N curve as well as the rating lives of the impeller in Table 1. When the conventional S-N curve is used to estimate the fatigue lives of the impeller, the random cycle load applied on the impeller has to be equivalently converted into a symmetrical cycle load.
Figure 7.
Figure 7.
The stress-time variation curve at the maximum stress point of the loading impeller
Table 1. Comparisons between predictinglives and rating livesof the throwing impeller(h)
P(%) | 50 | 90 | 99 |
Conventional S-N curve (Gerber) | 1.2780×107 | 7.1867×106 | 6.2593×106 |
Conventional S-N curve (Goodman) | 7.7963×106 | 4.3842×106 | 3.8195×106 |
Two-parameter model (Goodman) | 6.1391×106 | 3.4522×106 | 3.0068×106 |
Two-parameter model (Gerber) | 3.2761×106 | 1.8679×106 | 1.6046×106 |
Rating life | 3.5×106 | 2.0×106 | 1.8×106 |
The comparison between the rating lives and the predicted fatigue lives of the two-parameter nominal stress model and the conventional S-N curve showed that the impeller’s actual design lives approach the calculation resultsof the Goodman and Gerber two-parameter nominal stress model. They especially come closeto those of the Gerber-type two-parameter nominal stress model and are far below those ofthe conventional S-N curve. Thismeans the estimating accuracies of the Goodman and Gerber two-parameter nominal stress models are obviously higher than those of the conventional S-N curve.
5. Conclusions
Firstly, the relational expression including the fatigue life, average stress, and stress amplitude is established by using the two-parameter nominal stress model, Miner’s fatigue cumulative damage model, and log normal distribution model of fatigue life. Its parameters can be obtained byfinite element analysis. Meanwhile, the random cycle load applied on the impeller does not have to be equivalent to a symmetrical cycle load when using the two-parameter nominal stress model to estimate the fatigue life. Theprecision of the combined method estimating the fatigue life is improved.
Secondly, the maximum stress value of the finite element calculation is slightly larger than the measured maximum stress of the throwing impeller. The relative error is 1.34%. The average stress error is 0.77%. The simulated and measured stress variation waveforms and periods are basically same. This shows that the throwing impeller’s stress simulation results are credible.
Finally, the comparisons between the rating lives and the predicted lives of the two-parameter nominal stress model and the conventional S-N curve show that the impeller’s actual rating lives are closerto the calculated livesof the Goodman and Gerber two-parameter nominal stress models than those of the conventional S-N curve. In particular, they are closer to the calculation results of the Gerber-type two-parameter nominal stress model than those of the Goodman-type two-parameter nominal stress model. This shows that the Gerber-type two-parameter nominal stress model is more accurate and suitable to predict the fatigue life of the throwing impeller.
This research is supported bythe Inner Mongolia Natural Science Foundation (No. 2018MS05059),the Inner Mongolia Talent Foundation, and the Outstanding Youth Foundation of the Inner Mongolia Agricultural University (No. 2014XYQ-9).
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“A Stress Approach Model for Predictions of Fatigue Life by Shot Peening of EN45A Spring Steel, ”
[Cited within: 1]
A lot of research has been done to improve fatigue strength of materials by creating compressive residual stress field in their surface layers through shot peening. In this paper, fatigue strength of shot peened leaf springs has been calculated from laboratory samples. The axial fatigue strength of EN45A spring steel specimen is evaluated experimentally as a function of shot peening in the conditions used for full-scale leaf springs testing in industries. Optimum shot peening condition for specimen is found and S/ N curves of the specimens are correlated with leaf springs curve. A mathematical model has been developed which predicts the fatigue life of leaf springs for a given stress at varying shot peening conditions. Predictions from this model are compared with experimental data. The estimation of fatigue life and relaxation of compressive residual stress field are discussed.
“The Effect of Load Ratio on Fatigue Life and Crack Propagation Behavior of an Extruded Magnesium Alloy, ”
[Cited within: 1]
Fatigue experiments were carried out in laboratory air using an extruded magnesium alloy, AZ31, to investigate the effect of load ratio on the fatigue life and crack propagation behavior. The crack propagation behavior was analyzed using a modified linear elastic fracture mechanics parameter, M. The relation crack propagation rate vs. M parameter was found to be useful in predicting fatigue lives at different R ratios. Good agreement between the estimated and the experimental results at each stress ratio was obtained.
“Fatigue Life Analysis of the BlenderTruck Mixing Impeller based on Workbench, ”
“Fast Evaluation of Fatigue Behavior of Q235 Steel by Infrared Thermography and Energy Approach, ”
“Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation of Radiation Noise from Vibrating Shell of Stalk Impeller Blower, ”
[Cited within: 2]
Stalk rubbing machine is a new type of forage processing equipment developed in China.It is mainly composed of rubbing device and impeller blower.When the stalk rubbing machine is working, the material is thrown out by the impeller blower after rubbed by the rubbing device.Its main problem is an increased level of vibration and noise of the impeller blower during the stalk rubbing machine running.However, the research of impeller blowers at home and abroad mainly focused on reducing the power consumption, increasing the throwing distance and throwing efficiency.There were few researches on reducing the vibration and noise of the impeller blowers.Because of the limitation of the experimental method, it was difficult to find out how the shell was excited by the pulsating gas-solid two-phase flow inside the impeller blower and how it produced vibration and radiated noise outwards.Aimed at these problems, the vibration radiated noise of the shell of the impeller blower was analyzed by the co-simulation method to predict the impeller blower's noise at the design stage of the stalk rubbing machine.Firstly, the ANSYS Fluent software was used to simulate the unsteady solid-gas two-phase turbulent flow in the impeller blower.Then the fluctuating pressure of the two-phase flow field was loaded into the inner surface of the shell.Secondly, the modal analysis and dynamic response analysis of the shell were carried out by using the finite element method which realized unidirectional coupling from gas-solid two-phase fluid to structure.With the vibration response of the shell as the acoustic boundary condition, the vibration radiation noise of the shell caused by unsteady flow was calculated by using the indirect boundary element method(IBEM) of the LMS Virtual Lab.Thirdly, Comparisons between the simulated values and the measured values of the vibration radiation noise of the shell were made, and the reliability of the numerical simulation was verified.Finally, the influence of shell thickness on the vibration radiation noise was analyzed based on the above co-simulation method.Research results showed that:1) The fundamental frequency sound pressure levels for the simulation and experiment were basically the same.The changing trends of simulation results and the experimental results of the fundamental frequency and harmonics were also the same.Because the simplified simulation model made its stiffness smaller, the simulation results at the second and the third harmonic were slightly higher than the experimental results.Thus, it could be proved that the results of the co-simulation were credible.2) The fundamental frequency sound pressure level was the highest.The second harmonic one came second, the third harmonic one was low, and the rest harmonic ones were very low and were neglected.3) The sound pressure level of the radiated noise at the sides of the shell was the highest, particularly at inlet.And it was higher at outlet, too.4) When the impeller rotational speed was 1 500 r/min, the best wall thickness was the combination of front and rear round shell thickness of 4 mm and the others' thickness of 3 mm.The research will provide the reference for further research on the noise of stalk rubbing machines and impeller blowers.
“Research on Fatigue BehaviorEvaluation and Fatigue Fracture Mechanisms of Cruciform Welded Joints, ”
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